How to give your Toyota a wireless recharge?

Toyota has revealed plans to begin testing on its latest wireless charging technology
• Start charging your car wirelessly
• Charge will take 90-minutes
• Tests on the system are being carried out at three plug-in hybrid used homes
Toyota has revealed plans to begin testing on its latest wireless charging technology, which could be introduced to all electric and plug-in Toyota models in future. Initial specifications also reveal a full charge will take around 90 minutes. This new and advanced system works thanks to a coil set into the surface of a parking space.
When an electric powered car is parked above the coil, it transmits electricity using magnetic resonance, which is then received by the coil fitted in the car. The system is also optimised so that no energy is wasted if the coils are not precisely lined up. Toyota is also developing a parking assist system which will show drivers the exact location of the coil.
Toyota affirmed that this new system is being developed by keeping future in mind. Electric cars all already surging up in sales and Toyota being the market leader is making sure it stays ahead in this sector. There is a concern that this magnetic coil may interfere with nearby equipment but Toyota says that, it has taken steps to minimise any electromagnetic interference. Tests on the system are being carried out at three plug-in hybrid used homes in Japan. Toyota will evaluate the ease of use, customer satisfaction and how effective the system is to help the development of the technology.