How to Get in Trouble by Smoking While Driving With Kids

Smoking With Kids 12
Feb 14

· Smoking while kids on board will be Banned
· MPs vote overwhelmingly in favour of the proposal
· £60 fixed penalty fine or point

MPs have voted overwhelmingly in favour of banning smoking in cars carrying children.  The bill was passed by 376 votes to 107 in the House of Commons. The vote gave Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt the power to bring in the new law and soon it will become illegal to light up on the school run or family outings. The vote also gave the Welsh government the power to introduce it. Ministers must now decide if they want to make smoking in cars carrying children prohibited in Wales.

Prime Minister David Cameron was not in the parliament on Monday as he chose to miss the vote in favour of staying with flood victims in the South West as MPs were given a free vote on the alteration to the Children and Families Bill. There was a split in the cabinet with Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Home Secretary Theresa May joining 102 Tories in opposing the move. The ban doesn’t come in to action straight away but once in place it is likely to carry a £60 fixed penalty fine or points on a driving licence which are similar to using a mobile phone.
Figures show that in England more than 430,000 children aged 11 to 15 are exposed to second-hand smoke in cars every week and a similar law already exists in some states in America, Australia, Canada and a few European countries. Dr Penny Woods, chief executive of the British Lung Foundation, said: “Having campaigned on this issue for many years, we’re absolutely delighted that MPs have backed the ban on smoking in cars carrying children. This could prove a great leap forward for the health of our nation’s children.” The proposals were surprisingly supported by the Lords in January.