Hitches to Clear Before Driverless Cars

Self-driving cars are the future of automobiles but have to travel a long distance before becoming a reality
There are countless small hurdles in the pathway of driverless cars that can create problems in the launch and popularity of the new technology. Here are some of the most probable crimps that automakers should need to ironing out before going global with driverless cars.
Navigation and mapping systems
Although European and several other American countries have very sophisticated and detailed mapping systems available for the Google’s self-driving car, but it is not the case in the entire world. Every city, road, street, pavement and driveway should be mapped in the database of self-driving car for convenient driving.
Precise Auto Reversing system
As we noticed in today’s technologies that majority of self-driving cars cannot auto reverse without any assistance or input from humans. But it could be fixed by using most sophisticated software and just by giving the task to developers to polish it further.
Driving climate conditions
Our globe has not the same weather conditions everywhere, even the one country USA has very different weather conditions at the same time over its 50 states. So it is very important to test the computers in the extreme climates like in Siberia or Alaska for cold and somewhere else for hot temperatures. Because it is the general perception that how the driverless car will work in fog, smog, heavy rain and snow as all these weathers it has to face.
Responding to emergency services
It is still very difficult for the driverless cars to respond the emergency sirens positively but if they are allowed to real life traffic, what would be the response? They need to be able to response every emergency very quickly
Driverless car Insurance
Speechless that how it will work and how it will pay in the case of an accident and who will judge the fault? These are the major hurdles that put a question mark on the existence of driverless cars on the road