IAM Shocked! Speed Frenzy in UK Caught Doing 128mph in 30mph Zone

UK Police Department revealed the terrifying speeders, one caught doing 146mph while other was doing 128mph in 30mph zone
Safety cameras recorded some terrifying speed frenzies on the UK roads and the police department has revealed the facts and stats. Highest speed recorded by the cameras where one motorist was hitting 146 miles per hour while the other motorist caught on the M25 in Kent, both of the motorists were driving their cars at twice the speed of legal speed limits. This raging driver was then stopped by the Kent Police. Data has been revealed by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) following a freedom of information request. One driver caught driving at the speed of 128mph in a 30mph zone when he was exceeding the limits by 98 miles per hour.
36 police forces responded to the IAM but only six of them had recorded at least one driver doing 110mph. At the A5 from Ty Nant toDinmael in Wales, a motorist caught driving at 136mph, this road has the speed limits of 60mph.
Northamptonshire is the area where highest figures recorded at 120mph in a 50 miles per hour zone. It was an individual driving at A631 Beckingham Road, while the worst speed was 115mph in a 40mph zone at A10 Great Cambridge road in Hertfordshire.
Chief executive of the IAM, Sarah Sillars said, “It is disheartening to say the least that some road users are showing such disregard for the safety of all other road users – pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and other drivers. At speeds of 140mph an individual is travelling at nearly two-and-a-half miles a minute. At that speed it is simply impossible to react to anything that might happen in front of you.”