Will Really The UK Be A Zero-Emission Zone By 2050?

A cleaner and greener the United Kingdom with Zero-Emission Vehicles
According to the news, the UK government has joined the Zero Emission Vehicle Alliance. The Government has signed an agreement with 12 other members of the International Alliance.
The International Alliance has been framed to support and encourage the development of the technologies which will help to make zero-emission vehicles by 2050.
Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Alliance
The Government officials said that the agreement has been signed which will ensure that every single new car brought or sold in the UK will be emission-free by 2050. By doing so, we will give greener and cleaner United Kingdom to our coming generations.
The Paris conference on climate changes has provided a platform for the formulation of International Zero-Emission Vehicle Alliance; initially 13 countries including the UK has joined the Alliance.
The fundamental aim of the international Alliance is to encourage cleaner means of transportation by reducing emissions. The Zero-Emission agreement restricts its members to slash the emission to zero including passengers vehicles as well.
There is a time line of 2050 being set to achieve the zero-emission target. Germany, Norway, Netherlands and California (a US state) are among the other notable members of the Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Alliance.
Incentives, Schemes and Policies
The announcement has been made in regards to achieve the zero-emission milestone by 2050. The government will encourage environment friendly technologies.
The government will allow tax breaks for this particular sector and various incentive schemes will be implemented to increase the sales of hybrid and electric vehicles. The government will also establish the infrastructure for hybrid and electric vehicles.
The investments will be made for construction of hybrid fuel service stations on motorways and on other road networks all over the UK. The environmental activist have appreciated the International agreement and defined it as great step towards gas emission reduction across the globe.
They argue that automobile manufacturers need to act responsibly and they should work to develop cleaner and greener engine technologies.