Honda Accord, A Trend Setter and Reliable Vehicle

The steering is very swift, and the automobile responds nicely to the driver’s commands Being a fan of a family car is not simple, but the Honda Accord can rightfully claim to be one because it provides everything one might want when riding. You’ll see it on numerous top ten best automobile lists, so you’ll […]
The Honda Accord is Impressive with Good Look and Performance

Lack of new technology pulls it back from the rivals queue A Midsized Luxurious and well-equipped Family Saloon The Honda Accord is a well-known series of luxury saloon cars manufactured by Honda since 1976. Under the tag of Honda, Accord is manufactured all over the world and considered as a live option to choose for […]
Honda Accord 4-Cylinder Engines to Face Heat

Honda has recalled its four-cylinder engine powered Accords and couple of CR-V models A limited but important recall has been issued by the Japanese automaker for four cylindered Accord engines and couple of Honda CR-V models. This recall is not a big one but it has utmost importance because it affects the 2014-2015 model year […]