Stay Alert! Toyota is Watching You

Toyota has developed new driver monitoring system that scans eyes to check alertness levels Toyota is leading its way with new technological advancement and auto infotainment system. It is also working on autonomous vehicles are not far away and roads will soon see the driverless cars. But at present, automakers are working on developing […]
IAM Shocked! Speed Frenzy in UK Caught Doing 128mph in 30mph Zone

UK Police Department revealed the terrifying speeders, one caught doing 146mph while other was doing 128mph in 30mph zone Safety cameras recorded some terrifying speed frenzies on the UK roads and the police department has revealed the facts and stats. Highest speed recorded by the cameras where one motorist was hitting 146 miles per […]
Hitches to Clear Before Driverless Cars

Self-driving cars are the future of automobiles but have to travel a long distance before becoming a reality There are countless small hurdles in the pathway of driverless cars that can create problems in the launch and popularity of the new technology. Here are some of the most probable crimps that automakers should need […]
Joy Oh Joy They Did It Again – Local Councils Rank £667 million Parking Surplus

Spy cars blamed for £667 million parking profit made by councils in England Councils in England have made another record parking surplus with the large scale use of “spy cars” blamed for the 12 per cent increase. In 2013/14 councils in England generated a combined ‘profit’ of £667 million from both on and off street […]
UK Set to Become Less Cleaner Thanks to EU

EU Shelves Official Targets for Number of EV and Hydrogen Stations The EU has shelved proposals for a number of hydrogen filling stations and electric charging points that member countries must install by 2020. The UK was facing a 64,000 EV charge point shortfall, but that is not a problem anymore as the proposals have […]
Did You Know? Kids Are More Likely to Get Infected from a Car’s Child Seat Than a Toilet Seat

A recent scientific research proves that an average toilet seat carries less germs and dangerous bacteria than a car’s child seat 1 out of 5 kids seats contain 100 plus bacteria per Cm2 A toilet from same house contains less than 50 bacteria per Cm2 Majority of bacteria […]
High Fuel Prices Brings Down Speeding on the Motorways to a Record Low

Speeding at Motorways at a record low According to experts, the percentage of people speeding on motorways has come down to a record low following a rise in speed cameras and years of high fuel prices. Official government stats show that 47% of people drive faster than 70mph on motorways in Britain, which is a […]
Londoners will have to pay £1.50 more in congestion charges from 16th June

Congestion charge in London to increase by £1.50 in June in attempt to keep traffic levels down Transport for London will earn an extra £82.7 million as the Congestion Charge in London is set to rise by 15 per cent in June. As of now the standard daily charge for driving in the capital will […]
Car Drivers! Do You Think You Can Pass A Re-Test?

A study says that 75% drivers would fail if they were asked to re-take the theory or even practical Majority of experienced drivers would struggle A new driver fails if he commits a single major mistake or fifteen minor According to research, an experienced driver made ten […]
Beware of the Spy in Your Car – a Black box Will be Fitted in Every Car from 2015

Spy in Your Car New EU regulations say that all new cars need to have built-in spy box from October 2015 to track speed and driving habits. Motorists will be forced to have this new black-box or face sky-high insurance premiums. These devices are similar to the black-boxes fitted on aeroplanes. The new technology named […]